Memorial Service: Order of Service

In accordance with Ya Ching's wishes, following prior cremation, a memorial service with her ashes was held on Wednesday, 7th September 2011, at 10 am at the Westfriedhof cemetery in Munich (München).

Memorial Service of Ya Ching Tan
Aussegnungshalle, Westfriedhof, München
Wednesday 7th September, 10:00
Speaker:       Gunter Mehler
Music: The Lark Ascending, Vaughan Williams
York Chor Tan, Brother
Peter Bader, Work Colleague
Hartmut Schüler, Work Colleague
Yvonne Cockcroft, Friend
Karina Lacey, Friend
Music: Solvejg’s Song, Grieg

Ya Ching requested that instead of sending flowers, people might care to donate to the charity Caritas, primarily for their social work in the region here.
For donations from Germany, the account details are:
Empfänger: Caritasverband der Erzdiözese München und Freising e.V.
Geldinstitut: Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
Kontonummer: 5556
Bankleitzahl: 700 205 00
Verwendungszweck: Ya Ching Tan 
Alternatively, donations may be made to Caritas for their international development work via their web site:
Home page:

In accordance with Ya Ching's wishes, her ashes were scattered afterwards at the coast in Cornwall, in England, at Chapel Porth, near St. Agnes: see the page 'Cornwall'.

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